Prepare for Chaos

“Prepare for Chaos” is not a prediction about the future, but rather a call to get ready in case political and economic chaos breaks out. You may think chaos has already broken out in 2020 with Covid and the presidential election. I am not talking about that kind of chaos. That kind of chaos can be dealt with under our current system.

I am talking about the kind of chaos that cannot be dealt with under our current systems. The kind of chaos that we need to prepare for is something on the magnitude of it no longer being a clear benefit to be part of the US.

Currently, things are working in the US. Mostly. Police are still investigating murder, most people have some sort of income even if it is unemployment, there is no widespread hunger.

So, while things can get better, we are not at a point where we need to switch to a new government. That is what the Cooperative Zone idea is about, helping out when our current government is struggling.

However, there is some small chance that we will need a new government. If that happens, the most powerful members of the US will quickly try to establish control for their own interests. People in crisis will accept this new order.

The only way to counter this illegitimate takeover is to be ready with our own government structure that gives power to the people rather than the already powerful.

What follows is a series of posts that walk through how we do this. This is a dynamic process, meaning that the information will change as people comment and make suggestions. Let us know what you think!

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